Emma Clegg and Molly Rogers journey


Entrepreneurial journey told by three students

Story written by Sherilyn Fleurence

‘We met whilst we were both studying to be occupational therapists at ACU in Melbourne. Whilst studying we were both working as disability support workers. At the time, I [Emma] worked with a teenager called Maddie, and Molly worked with a teenage boy called Jack, and that where came from the name of our brand ‘Jam’. They both have cerebral palsy and wheelchair users, and they’re reliant on other people to be able to get dressed each day.

We would always come together and have these conversations about dressing them being a real difficulty. It takes up way more time than it should have to, and anything easier to put

on or take off is so daggy and not age-appropriate, we would not have wanted to wear those when we were teenagers. So why are they restricted with their fashion choices? And

from those conversations, we started looking to look into it a bit more. We identified the problem and reflected on ways to solve it because it is all about problem-solving. And that’s pretty much what Jam is. And that’s what all businesses really should be is meeting a need

and solving a problem. Jam is an adaptive and inclusive clothing brand that offers trendy

clothes mainly for people with disabilities.

I think the most important part of our business, and something that really keeps us going is the impact that our products do have on our customers. You know, a really simple impact that I think a lot of people benefit from Jam is simply the representation of people with disabilities within the fashion industry that is so underrepresented, especially with, you know, one in five Australians having a disability. But then obviously, being able to save time in their day by able to, by reducing the time spent dressing, because they can just whip on that jacket while sitting in a wheelchair rather than having to struggle for 20 minutes. It also provides people with dignity. I think it is not only providing independence but then confidence and an opportunity for self-expression. And for people to be able to get what they want to with ease. The flow-on effects from that are huge. And that can lead to so many other areas of their lives.’

Story written by Serene Tan

Inclusive, fashionable and functional. That’s what JAM the Label is all about. It started off as a problem that had no simple solution: how can we help our clients (Jack and Maddie) get changed more efficiently? That’s when we gained our firsthand experience with the difficulties people face while living with a disability. We began our journey as two university students studying to become Occupational Therapists. At this time, we both worked as carers for people with disabilities and wanted to make a positive impact on their lives but did not know how. Prior to JAM the Label, we never pictured ourselves as entrepreneurs. It wasn’t until the problem arose in our own experiences that we sought for a solution. As Occupational Therapy students, we were taught to find solutions for our clients. So that’s exactly what we did. We were tired of watching clients spend 20 minutes trying to put on a jacket, or simply just going without one because the task of getting changed was too difficult. We wanted to make a change that could help. That’s when we had an idea; if we couldn’t change the way which our clients got dressed, we could change the equipment. Our idea started as a simple product that we could use with Jack and Maddie; a jacket that is adaptable and easy to wear for people who use wheelchairs. These two became the inspiration for our brand- JAM (Jack. And. Maddie) the Label. With the help and guidance from a few networks including Hireup co-founder and CEO, Jordan O’Reilly, we were able to build our dream into a reality. JAM the Label is a brand we created to help those living with a disability. Our mission is to promote self-expression, independence and dignity by providing stylish, inclusive fashion opportunities for all. It is about more than just our products, its about the positive impact we make in people’s lives. Not only does it help people with the everyday difficulties they face while living with a disability, it gives them a sense of inclusion, confidence and self-expression. JAM the Label was started by our need to help those we care about. It has become more than just its products. JAM the Label is not just about a piece of clothing, it’s about making a difference.

Story written by Jonathan Sainty

It’s hard to fathom. How is it that not a single clothing company in Australia has inclusive fashion for people with a disability? It’s perplexing. The fashion and clothing industry has completely overlooked such an underrepresented group of people. One in five… that’s the number of people in Australia living with a disability, yet not a single company provides clothes or products tailored towards this group. We recognise the magnitude of this problem. We’re determined…and importantly, we have the connections and resolve to do something about it. After all, if you can’t modify how a task is completed, you can improve the surrounding environment and equipment. We’re researching the market and reaching out to experts in the field. There’s a degree of optimism and confidence. We recall a university lecture that addressed how occupational therapists are well suited to innovating and starting new businesses. Ultimately, we are adept at problem-solving. We harbour the passion and motivation, and crucially we’re solving a genuine problem. We feel invigorated by this business opportunity, and we are motivated to pursue this vision. A customer walks over to our store at an expo and tries on a linen shirt. His response to the product is touching. He puts on a button-up shirt that uses magnets without the aid of his disability support worker. He is so happy with himself. We feel a sense of achievement and satisfaction. It provides us with reassurance and a tremendous sense of pride to see that JAM’s products can instil feelings of independence, confidence and self-expression for our customers. JAM was created to make a difference in the fashion industry and fill a notable gap in the market. We want to be at the forefront of the adaptive fashion market and demonstrate to these well-known fashion brands that it’s not an arduous task to fashion products for people with a disability. We want JAM to be representative of the one in five Australians with a disability. We have plans for the future. We are talking to people within the disability services industry, trying to find out how to tailor products to specific needs and wants within this sector.